Monday, 18 August 2014

Why I'm Going to Miss True Blood Forever

  • Things are way more messed up in Bontemps as they are in the world we experience. Imagine a vampire's face appearing at the window in the dark when you're about to get into bed. Or being confronted with a werewolf when you're going for a pee in the bushes during a nightly stroll. It makes us realize how safe we truly are, away from supernatural elements...with no one to fear but ourselves, other human beings and the rest of the animal kingdom.
  • It's comforting in a twisted way to know that the characters of the television series suffer way more than we do, until their imminent deaths. It makes suffering and misery seem really cool. It's as though the more problematic your life is, the more you can relate to the lives of the main characters.
  • It glamorizes Death. Some of people's worst fears are always connected with Death such as the fear of heights, dolls or clowns. Heights aren't what really scare us; it's the fact that jumping all that distance may be leading us to the ultimate end. People may not think about their lives eventually coming to an end, but its the most deep seated fear in all of us. No matter how tired and bored of living we may seem, we do value our lives highly.
  • The vampires just don't give a damn about anything. Speak their minds without thinking twice, go about murdering people like roaches, shag anything that moves and hurl about torrents of verbal abuse, despite the fact that they aren't really immortal and can cease to exist with a wooden stake through their hearts. That seems to really highlight the aphorism 'Carpe diem' and kick us out of the rut we've stuck ourselves in by being too cautious. You're just going to die in the end anyway. No one wins, no one loses. Not even an amoeba.
  • Alcide, Jason, Eric and Sam happen to be my most interesting fictional crushes ever. So much alpha masculine power packed into one TV show. Sigh.
  • You're either bad or good. No sugar icing bullshit. It's one of the two extremes. There are hardly any characters who merge in with the background and remain neutral or undivided between the two extremes. Every character seems to have a dark side to them that is exposed eventually. You tend to admire them for who they are, no matter how diabolically calculating they may seem. Not even gentlemanly Bill can seem angelic for very long.
  • And last of all, there won't be anything worthwhile to look forward to on TV on a Sunday. No more squishy vampire guts, needless violence, graphic adult scenes or emotional drama to stir you out of your lazy weekend slumber.

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