Sunday, 1 January 2017

Adieu, 2016!

2016 was a year that nightmares are made of; the kind that are recurrent, intense and traumatic. For those of you who beg to differ, thank your stars for having been incredibly blessed and escaping the wrath of the hellish forces that created a great deal of havoc in my life. The year started off on a positive note, with me bagging the internship of my dreams and graduating after two long years of mental and financial agony. Career has long since, however, come to a dramatic standstill. I was required to shift from a residence that I had grown to consider a refuge amidst a vast alien city, and move in with a glorified bunch of brutish Sinhalese apes who were fond of expired donuts.  The only good thing to come out of the experience was a deep love for dogs that managed to wipe out my childhood fear of canines, thanks to a very lovable Labrador. I succeeded in getting out of the hateful primate-infested place with the help of a friend. Interpersonal relationships have been strife with conflict and misunderstandings, no doubt as a result of the troublesome planetary aspects and destructive energies of 2016. I was soon plagued by a series of unexplainable health issues that seemed to have been artificially induced by foes and spies from behind the scenes. Stories from the past about greedy emotionally stunted relatives and fake friends that I no longer give a rat’s arse about, have pestered me like disease ridden flies high on faecal matter.  I hardly expect a stark improvement in the coming year or a turnaround in terms of luck, since life has been gradually going downhill since 2015; as the popular saying goes ‘All things come in threes’. A stagnant 2015 where you’re forced three steps backward, for every one step forward. A dynamic but deadly 2016, with the most unpleasant surprise popping up at the last minute like a sinister Jack in the Box. All I wish for in the year of 2017, is the chance to be able to cut ourselves some slack and carry on living with peace of mind.