Thursday, 16 February 2012

Valentine's Day (Venus square Pluto Transit)

I have to say, this isn't an aspect you'd want in your natal chart. People with this as a natal aspect almost always suffer from want of true love and an extreme lack of it. At some point in their lives, they come across their perfect lover only to discover that he/she is already emotionally attached to someone else. This pain keeps repeating itself in every relationship thereafter, in a vicious cycle, making it near impossible for the native to let go and come to terms with the immense disappointment. These relationships are ill-fated with jealousy, suicidal depression and heartbreak waiting right round the corner.
With sweet and cuddly Venus having squared Intensely passionate Pluto on the 14th of Feb, it's not surprising to note alot more broken hearts, in comparison to, loving embraces and candlelit dinners. A guy I wouldn't normally look at twice, demanded centre stage in my love life. It was an emotionally draining Hell, with him showering me with love one minute and threatening to break up our potential romance, the next. How could I have developed such strong feelings for some stranger who I'd gotten to know in just two days? How could this man with is broken english and sub-par grammar have created such havoc in the life of someone who detests anything less than perfect communication? Well I blame it all on this planetary transit which made this year's V-day the worst by far.

Watch this Video to understand more about the Venus square Pluto aspect and the suffocating emotions which accompany it.