Uptil seven years back, I lived at peace with myself and never felt the need to look for something more. This came to an end, with the arrival of the King of Swords who's largely responsible for the state I'm in right now. He lured me into his trap with an air of detachment and somewhat good looks (which are slowly waning). He drained me emotionally and then left me at the mercy of his pompous and quick-tempered partner in crime, the King of Pentacles. Now this wasn't the sort of guy I'd even look at twice, owing to his awkward mannerisms, priestly lectures and a terrible sense of humour but in my vulnerable state I needed all the support I could get. He further messed up the situation with an artless expression of simulated feelings and bogus sugar coated words. It took me about a year with the continuous replaying of 'Wouldn't it be Nice' by the Beachboys to recover from something I thought akin to Love, with his pusillanimous sibling, Knight of Swords tiptoe-ing all over my cyberspace like a stupid little girl and sending me crappy invitations over the internet which I couldn't have bothered about even if I was the loneliest person on the planet. Moving on from this assortment of freaks, I encountered several guys at college who weren't too out of this world but Boy, was King of Wands some catch! He never seemed aware of his surroundings and always danced to an imaginary tune in his head. Friends said that he was the biggest loser they'd ever encountered and warned me against losing my self-respect for him, but I didn't listen, as always. He was like a breath of fresh air from the emotionless freaks of the past. But several phone coversations and one love poem later made me realize he wasn't my type at all. And that brings me to my current situation. Seven years of disappointment, four assholes in succession, broken dreams and lowered expectations are enough to shatter one's hopes once and for all. So dearest Prince Charming, whoever you are and wherever you maybe at this exact instant, please understand why I'm giving up on my pursuit of you from this day on.
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