Friday, 1 June 2012

Yann Tiersen

Yann Tiersen is a musician from France. His musical career is split between studio albums, collaborations and film soundtracks with a distinctive sound that is always involved. It can be recognized by its use of a large variety of instruments; primarily the guitar, synthesizer or violin together with instruments like the melodica, xylophone, toy piano, harpsichord, accordion and typewriter.
His most famous soundtrack for the film Amélie was primarily made up of tracks taken from his first two studio albums. Below is one of his soundtracks 'Loin des Villes' composed for the film Amelie.

Birthday: 23 June 1970

Sun Trine Jupiter: A trine formed between the Sun and Jupiter shows a generous degree of creative talent making it a favourable aspect for musical expression. Yann has a considerable amount of self-confidence, and he likes himself without being conceited or boastful. He is intelligent, articulate and very well informed on many subjects.

Sun square Uranus: A square formed between the Sun and Uranus shows that Yann is impulsive and unpredictable. He is original, but sometimes impractical. He like to do what he wants at his chosen time and pace. Nervous and accident prone, he may face a few obstacles on his path to success. With time, his views may remain eccentric and liberal, but they become more broadly based and humanitarian.

Moon trine Mercury: The trine formed between the Moon and Mercury shows a shrewd, careful, and sensible mind. Yann has a logical, judicious, and pleasant way of expressing himself and he does it in a straightforward fashion. This aspect is favorable for communicating with others especially through music.

Moon trine Jupiter: The Moon forms a trine with Jupiter showing he possesses a glowing, generous personality. He has a confidence that he can deal with about any crisis in his life and his enthusiasm generates optimism in those around him. His imagination is expansive, and he is able to see ways to work out most problems.

Yann has a powerful aspects between his personal planets and Jupiter. Jupiter being a planet which is associated with freedom, good fortune and exploration and being in trine to his Sun and Moon give him the ability to experiment with different styles and create beautiful music. His Sun square Uranus aspect makes him create pieces which are authentic but different from mainstream instrumental music and slightly risky. Moon trine Mercury shows that he has no trouble expressing himself creatively and can do it with incredible ease.

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