A haunting movie based on a novel by Joan Lindsay. The story is as follows...
The students from Mrs. Appleyard's School for Girls - a kind of boarding finishing school where decorum and etiquette are the most important subjects - are going on an outing to Hanging Rock, a local geographical landmark. Only one of them, Sara, is being left behind. The reasons for her exclusion are unclear, but it could have something to do with her unhealthy attachment to Miranda. At Hanging Rock, as everyone including the chaperones, Miss McCraw and Mlle. de Poitiers lounges in the afternoon sun, four girls go on an expedition of the rock formation. Three of them do not return and the fourth, when she gets back, is in a state of hysteria. Also missing is Miss McCraw. The police are called in, but their search turns up nothing: no bodies and no signs of foul play. When one of the girls, Irma, is discovered unconscious but largely unharmed a week later, she is unable to provide any clue about the whereabouts of the others - her memory is a blank.
Love this movie..