Sunday, 24 November 2013

Hell's Oven: Quarter of A Passage

It's been a depressing walk through the thick and deadly fog. But I'm finally able to spy the beam of light at the end of my passage through the graveyard. I've battled the withered; but far from weak grasp of the zombies rising out of their graves, the occasional rock and overhanging bats who create chaos the moment they get a sniff of a perspiring or bleeding body. The disgusting half-rotting zombies with degenerating brain cells, mostly being relatives, 'friends', professors, classmates and complete strangers. The rock stands for challenges that life has thrown across my path; making me trip and lose my balance, disoriented but stronger than ever. The troublesome bats represent Love that has come to me in the form of pets, boys and men; who are present long enough to cause an uproar and disappear the instant they find someone better than me. Despite all these challenges, I've held onto all that which is precious to me and been able to preserve my integrity and pride. I have only six more months to wait out, before I can experience and feel the entire glow of the Guiding Star on my skin. Six months more to come back to what I once was, holding in my hand, the proof needed to prove I'm not much of an idiot after all. Proof that I'm still alive after battling with supernatural forces, hunger as well as wicked mortals. Stephen King could base an entire horror trilogy on these three years of mine; but I'd much rather forget I even lived through them.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Gravity (2013)

I'd gone yesterday on an outing with a friend of mine for lunch as Texas Bar & Restaurant followed by a trip to Inox. Guess which movie we went for? The science fiction thriller with a bit of spirituality injected into it- Gravity. The movie was amazing in 3D and Sandra Bullock had an almost similar role to enact, as in the movie 'Speed' where she co-starred with Keanu Reeves. Gravity was a wee bit depressing though especially when we come to the realization that the handsome and charming Mark Kowalsky (George Clooney) has tragically died in space, thereby, putting an end to his amusing story-telling. Here's the Plot summary,
 Dr. Ryan Stone is a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky  in command of his last flight before retiring. But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone - tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness.