Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Cruel Me

What makes him think he's the most handsome guy on this planet? With a stick thin profile that could easily be blown away by the slightest breeze..his skin so greasy; no girl would ever want to look at him, let alone kiss him..his speech so heavily accented and never quite being able to get the message across with all his annoying lisping..His third grade english and his sickeningly huge ego that no one can ever pierce through...If I had the time I could go on and on with this many defects but I don't care any more. He's the kind of guy you could have fling after fling with and break his weak little heart into a million bloody pieces, but what's the use, if he never opens it up to anyone? I don't regret having told him to buzz off and get out of my life in the cruelest manner possible. I actually feel damn satisfied and quite happy with myself for standing up to such manipulation and abuse for the very first time.What's the most he can do anyway? Cry to his nice mama about what the mean girl next door said to her precious darling? Or drive off like a maniac on his scooter to complain to all his dumb friends who can't do shit about anything? I'm sorry I wasted precious time and phone credit on a selfish prick like him who couldn't know Love if someone slapped him in the face with it. I'm not the one in jeopardy of having had my heart broken this time...I haven't anything to lose since I closed myself to him a long time back leaving behind only the superficial small talk...the kind that frivolous socialites at high society parties are well versed with. It's time to begin a new chapter in my life and to close the previous one for good..and let go of you completely.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Place I Call Home

Its strange how much I miss that place. I've tried ignoring that familiar pain of separation more than once..but it haunts me everytime I long for a little stability in a life that's prone so often to sudden, disruptive and very permanent chaos. Forget an emotionally stable life, is geographical stability too much to ask as well? I wish for those never-ending long lanes lit with their dim lamps after sunset, like strings of fireflies lighting up the infinite skies. I try enjoying the greenery that's now in abundance around me but end up thinking subconsciously of golden brown landscapes dotted with dusty floating greens that get camouflaged in it's shimmering sea of gold. I dream of those long walks in bright sunlight which beats down on you but never burns. It feels like I've left a part of my soul there. Which isn't surprising, considering it was there that I first truly fell in love and where I'd experienced the most painful heartbreak uptil date. I'd spend hours struggling to find stars which hid behind buildings in their desperation to avoid my gaze. It made me mad at the time but I now understand that they were just trying to help the fool who'd stuck her head too high up into the clouds to see how deep she'd have to fall once the illusions had faded. It was the beauty of the City which assisted the stars in their mischievous game of hide and seek. Something I'm now immensely thankful for. I can never appreciate the place that saw me being born into the world...not as much as the 'concrete jungle', which helped me find something precious that I'd risked losing forever.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

STOLEN - Lucy Christopher

I recommend this lovely book written by Lucy Christopher, to all those readers who'd enjoy a well-written, forbidden and beautifully tragic love story. It speaks of the kind of love that's socially unacceptable; yet it doesn't fail to blossom between two individuals amidst the red sand dunes, scrubby terrain and scorching heat of the Australian outback. Tall, blonde and blue eyed Ty McFarlane kidnaps sixteen year old british Gemma Toombs at Bangkok Airport and takes her all the way to his homeland (Australia). She wakes up in a house located in the middle of nowhere with only the most basic facilities. She attempts to escape from him a couple of times and even tries to commit suicide once, only to be stopped forcefully...but continues to have hope that she'll one day be rescued. She learns to cope with the unbearable heat of the desert, all the while keeping a distance from her seemingly 'evil' abductor whom she once found so attractive. He refuses to believe that he did the wrong thing bringing her there, saying that he'd only just saved her from the empty, purposeless life of the city and brought her to a place full of spirit and meaning, where the stars at night show you the way and the entire place sings out secrets of the Universe. As time passes, she gradually begins to see him in a different and more positive light. His creative style of artistic expression by painting himself with colours from his natural surroundings, the tearful moaning in his sleep that seemed to come from deep within his soul, the hurt visibly etched in his features whenever he speaks of his neglected childhood and of parents who never cared...touches her deeply. She opens herself up to his magical world where there aren't any unnecessary restrictions and where each and every thing around them has its own importance, living or not. Before she can return his love, she gets bitten by a Death Adder, forcing him to make the difficult decision of returning her to the city to receive urgent medical attention. Meanwhile, he turns himself in.
Back in the city, she writes Ty a letter (the entire book) as a means of controlling the overwhelming emotion she feels for him; this being a suggestion from her psychiatrist who accuses Gemma of suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. She cries as she types, asking him to forgive her for accusing him as being guilty during the courtroom trial and for being responsible as to having him sentenced to several years in prison. She hopes that he'll go back to the outback after being released and grow properly into the light this time, never having to go to such dangerous extremes to find the love he has always desired.