Saturday, 26 February 2011

5 Places I'd Never Spend the Night In

1. Isla de las Munecas

 There's something about dolls that scares the hell out of me. I'm not sure of whether its got something to do with Chucky or the fact that something plastic resembling us, human beings, seems kind of abnormal. I have a similar fear of Clowns.
Anyway, so this is the Island near Mexico City filled with odd looking dolls apparently collected by some old hermit who was said to be nuts. The Island is  haunted by the spirit of a young girl who drowned nearby.

2. Bhangarh Ruins

This was once a beautiful kingdom located in the state of Rajasthan in India. The myth regarding the place is that there lived a charming princess by the name of Ratnavati who was the most sought after because of her tremendous beauty. A tantrik by the name of Singhia fell desperately in love with her but wasn't allowed to even speak to her because of his dark practices. He tried to seduce her with magical scented oil but she saw through this plan and threw the bottle on a wall which crushed the tantrik. His dying wish was that the whole place be cursed and that not a single being left alive. The following day, a huge battle took place killing everyone including the princess. Till this day it's been impossible to build anything there but for temples. The Indian government has taken strict measures prohibiting anyone from entering it in the night. There has got to be some truth in the story for the goverment to have taken things to such an extreme or maybe I'm just plain gullible.

3. Aokigahara Forest

Also known as 'Suicide Forest' this place is located in Japan, at the north west base of Mount Fuji.
The queer thing about this forest is that it has a history of suicides commited by people for no apparent reason. It's associated with demons in japanese mythology.
The high rate of suicide has even led officials to place signs in the forest, urging those who have gone there in order to commit suicide to seek help and not kill themselves. Hmm... seems like the grim reaper  decided to make it his permanent base.

4.Essex Mountain Sanatorium

This facility was established with the aim of curing people of tuberculosis in New Jersey in 1907. There were increasing complaints of  patient mistreatment scandals, funding problems and horrible experiments resulting in its closure. The abandoned place soon became a popular hideout for escaped lunatics and weird rituals.

A run down building seemingly haunted by the spirits of  people with a
history of mental disorders and full of satanic graffitti drawn by vandals. What could possibly be worse?

5. The Tower of London
This structure constructed by William the Conqueror in 1078, has the reputation for being  the most haunted building in the whole of England.
Its a popular haunt for the White Lady who has been sighted a number of times by random passers by.
Its infamous for the death of Henry VI who was murdered by the Duke of Gloucestor. Lady Jane Grey, Anne Boleyn as well as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, were also executed in a gruesome manner in the same place. The whimpering of children can be heard and the strong presence of unearthly souls is very evident.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

My Birth Chart continued (Jupiter-Lilith)

My luck lies in my ability to be honest, practical, hard working and observant.

Christina Ricci

Tom Hanks

Hurdles in life make me loyal, responsible, impartial and scientific in my thinking.

Johnny Depp

Jodie Foster

My personal ego makes me a leader, a healer and an educator.

Shia LaBeouf

Dakota Fanning
I break boundaries with my rational thinking and cool outlook on life.

Anna Sophia Robb

Errol Flynn
My spiritual beliefs attract me to mysteries and enable me to tranform and rediscover myself in relationships.

Emily Browning

Nick Jonas
The dark side of me makes me ever-changing, fascinating, remote and elusive to others.
Geena Davis

Joaquin Phoenix

Monday, 21 February 2011

My Birth Chart (Sun-Mars)

  Here are a couple of celebrities I share placements in birth chart with :-
(I've only chosen my favourites)

I appear dreamy, mystical, introspective and timid to everyone around me.

Antonio Banderas

Janis Joplin

I am  Charming, diplomatic, indecisive, sociable, easy-going and peacable.

John Lennon

Hilary Duff

I feel  instinctual, volatile, courageous, and energetic  and impulsive.
Marlon Brando

Sally Field

 My mind is insightful, intuitive, intensely expressive and secretive.
Gerard Butler

Demi Moore
I love and hate  intensely, directly, determinedly and genuinely.

Bruce Springsteen

Monica Belluci
I live for family, security and peace.

Audrey Hepburn
Keanu Reeves

Labyrinth Trailer

One of my favourite movie dance scenes starring the beautiful Jennifer Connelly and the super-awesome David Bowie. It's all about a young girl, Sarah and the fantasy world she's created for herself as a means of escape from reality. It's pretty entertaining seeing her and her not-so-charming Gobling King constantly squabbling with each another. The movie should've had a proper fairytale ending but it was kinda disappointing knowing that she'd made it all up.